Planting volunteers after a morning of work on February 11th 2023Planting Salmonberry!February 4th wrap up!Planting on the muddy stream bank is hard work!PlantingPulling Invasives at Singer CreekOur great crew of invasive pulling volunteers!A selection of native plants installed Playing telephone with a large English Ivy rootNew Grand Fir planted!Volunteers planting Snowberry!Planting Ferns on the bank of Singer CreekThat’s a big worm!New signs found around the plantings!
Check out this amazing footage of lamprey in Holcomb Creek from our partner’s at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Inventories Program!
Celebration Event Details Our celebration event will start with a volunteer work party, followed by a complimentary lunch and discussion of past and present watershed projects, new challenges, and recent scientific work in the watersheds. Read more…
This February the Greater Oregon City Watershed Council in collaboration with Oregon City Parks is hosting 4 opportunities for volunteers to help plant new native plantings along the shores of Singer Creek. From 10am – Read more…