Council News
Lamprey in the watershed!
Check out this amazing footage of lamprey in Holcomb Creek from our partner’s at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Inventories Program!
As rains begin to fall, stormwater accumulates as run-off from surface streets bringing pollution. Healthy watersheds can filter that pollution, keeping it out of downstream habitats.
The riparian forests in our healthy watersheds intercept rain droplets before they hit the soil, reducing erosion and slowing down the water returning it to area groundwater.
All of these features contribute to a healthy stream system, cooling the water, providing shade, and low-sediment loads. Our local coho and Pacific lamprey appreciate it.
The Greater Oregon City Watershed Council works with public partners and private landowners to conserve, enhance, and protect the watersheds that surround us. Through this work, we develop and implement restoration plans, survey and assess stream health, and assist private and public landowners in enhancing riparian habitats.
We are a non-regulatory, non-governmental group maintaining a balance of watershed interests. The council seeks information, makes recommendations, and provides advice concerning the natural resources of the watershed and its restoration.
Check out this amazing footage of lamprey in Holcomb Creek from our partner’s at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Inventories Program!
Celebration Event Details Our celebration event will start with a volunteer work party, followed by a complimentary lunch and discussion of past and present watershed projects, new challenges, and recent scientific work in the watersheds. Read more…
Join Greater Oregon City Watershed Council, Clackamas River Basin Council, and City of Oregon City Parks and Recreation for a spring time ivy removal work party at Atkinson Park in Oregon City Tools & refreshments Read more…